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Journal 5

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, either way, your're right." ~ Henry Ford

Henry Ford was the man who invented the assembly line and the now well-known car brand “FORD.” Henry managed to find a way to mass produce something, and keep it relatively inexpensive. As a child Henry was interested in taking apart and fixing things. His father gave him a pocket watch as a kid and he learned how to take it apart and put it back together. Finally he had it down so well that he was repairing watches for his friends and family. His family owned a farm, and he spent most of his time working as a farm boy. He took an apprenticeship as a machinist before going back home to work on the farm. Before he passed away, he made sure that his family would be the only people running his business after his passing.

His quote couldn’t be any more true. If you don’t believe in yourself then you won’t be able to do it. If you do, then you can do it. It closely relates to the common phrase “You can do anything you set your mind to.” Henry didn’t spend his time thinking he couldn’t do something. People don’t just stumble upon great businesses. You have to work hard for them, and you have to believe you can do it. If you tell yourself that you can’t do it then you’re limiting yourself. The only person that can put you to a disadvantage is yourself.

When I tried out for sports, I went to try outs thinking that I could do it. I could show them everything I got. With that confidence, I was able to show the coach that I had the ability to bring something special to the team. I worked hard and proved to myself and the coach that I could do it. If I went to that try out thinking that I couldn’t do something then I wouldn’t have made the team. The coach would not have thought I was confident enough in myself, and he wouldn’t have trusted me to play to the potential I had.

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